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Nutrition and Lifestyle Packages



Dr Campbell is a fully qualified Functional Medicine Practitioner (in addition to her qualification in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery), having obtained her training through The Institute For Functional Medicine in the USA.  Four years of study and completion of rigorous testing in 2021. 

Nutrition is the foundation for health. A balanced diet centred on whole foods is vital. What you eat significantly affects how your body functions, your chances of getting sick and how quickly you bounce back after surgery or illness.

There has been much research into the role of inflammation and chronic disease. We are now beginning to understand how diet can also activate the same inflammatory responses induced by bacteria and viruses. The onset of a chronic illness may have been preceded by years or decades of low-level inflammation.

We are also beginning to understand the influence food has in mediating inflammatory processes, the effects of which have implications for many bodily systems and functions.

Given the current epidemic of chronic disease in our society and the cost to our health care system, nutrition presents a foundational approach to management. It offers a relatively inexpensive and powerful therapy.

When we look at chronic disease, many illnesses can be prevented or even reversed with the appropriate diet and lifestyle regime. Even the smallest changes can have the most dramatic effect on your health and quality of life.

Our nutritional packages are personalised to meet specific health challenges such as cardiovascular risk factors, diabetes, weight control, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory and auto immune conditions, reflux, food intolerances, and leaky gut.  Inflammation is the cornerstone fo vascular damage and ageing.  Often even your skin is a reflection of your internal state of microbiome health and inflammation,

Dr Campbell always endeavours to practise what she preaches having known long periods of poor sleep, poor diet and extreme stress during surgical training.  Dr Campbell also is a regular presenter at the RACS (Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) Developing a Surgical Career Workshop where she educates those doctors wanting a career in surgery, coaching them in Health and Wellbeing.


Dr Campbell is happy to provide these additional preventative services to her Vascular patients.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Packages

  • One Month Starter Package
  • Get up and Get Going
  • 1 initial consultation 1.5 hours
  • Deep dive health questionnaires
  • 2 follow up consultations 60 minutes (total)
  • Dietary analysis
  • Tailored personalized menu plan
  • Tailored recipes
  • Email support for 1 month
  • PDF guide for your specific health concerns

  • 90-Day Success Package
  • This package is for those who want RESULTS! In depth deep dive questionnaire analysis. Functional testing enables us to build a dietary plan tailored to meet your specific needs. It ensures you get the best results.  Terrific for those wanting to lose weight.
  • 1 initial consultation 1.5 hours 
  • 3 follow up consultations 90 minutes (total)
  • Dietary analysis
  • Complete digestive stool analysis
  • Food intolerance test
  • Personalized menu plan
  • Tailored recipes
  • Email support for 3 months
  • PDF guide for your specific health concerns
  • Bi-monthly WeWell newsletter

  • Complete Lifestyle Overhaul
  • This package is about TRANSFORMATIONS! No more excuses, it’s time to change your life for the better. If you are sick and tired of not living the life you want, this package is for you. This is a 6-month package
  • 1 initial consultation 1.5 hours
  • Follow up consultations as needed for 6-months (15-30minutes)
  • Dietary analysis
  • Complete digestive stool analysis x 2(beginning and end of program)
  • Food intolerance test
  • Personalized menu plans
  • Access to our nutrition tip video library for 6 months
  • Tailored recipes
  • Email support for 6 months
  • Bi-monthly WeWell Newsletter
  • PDF guides for your specific health concerns

Please Note: All prices include GST.